Case Study 2:

GROW - An App to help users maintain their indoor plants health.

Project Overview

GROW is a project outcome of the Google UX Design Certificate Course.

The problem was that people are uneducated on how to look after their plants at home and The goal was to design a responsive app that can help plant owners to look after their plants more easily.

Throughout the project, I conducted user research to understand needs and pain points, facilitated brainstorming sessions to generate and refine design concepts, and iterated on designs based off feedback to ensure alignment with user needs and project goals.

Solution to the Problem

A mobile application designed to track plant health, provide personalised care recommendations, and maintain a digital plant health journal. The app also sends daily alerts to users, helping them monitor and manage their plants’ well-being effectively.

Impact of GROW

Many participants felt that a plant diary would make it easier to track their plants at home, as alerts would eliminate the need to constantly check their plant's health.

Next steps

  • Enhance the accessibility of the Plant Diary by incorporating smartphone features into the app, expanding its usability.

  • Enhance the app's usability by adding informative pop-up features.


GROW Website


Tiny Trendz App